Photo Credit: I've Just Imagined / Styled By: Kethlene Torres
While getting dressed for work I looked in the mirror and said "how can I make a living doing what I love." As I tied my bow-tie; it dawned on me. That's when my PURSUIT started.
With some research I figured making bow-ties should be simple. With positive feedback from FAMILY And friends I was encouraged to move forward with the idea. Although, I had never sewn before I was determined to start my bow-tie line. Having a strong support team has been important.
The name PURSUIT came via text from my brother James by mistake. "Wait till they find out PURSUIT(you) made it." PURSUIT stands for the PURSUIT of Happiness. It's also a play on words: meaning you need a bow-tie per suit.
This is my PURSUIT and I thank you for your support during this journey. I take pride in my presentation and bow-ties are a personal part of me. I'd like everyone to be able to afford a fashionable bow-tie. Handcrafted, suave, debonair and polished made just for you.
Designer Ivery Terrell Johnson